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Exersite Links
All of the following links have been suggested by Exersite members and visitors.
Please feel free to suggest a link.

Tri-Cities Road Club. A wealth of bicycling information for the Upper East Tennessee area.
Bulltek Sports: Biggest Bicycle Shop on the Net.

Diets and Supplements

Quick Weight Loss Methods. Reviews of safe, exercise-based quick weight loss methods.
DietingReviews.com. Read Reviews of Popular Fad Diets Here!
Thermadrol: #1 Weight Loss and Diet Supplement.
looking-slim.com. Weight Loss Programs.

Exercise, General

WomensExerciseNetwork. Find an exercise partner. Co-ed.

Exercise, Motivation and Psychology

Women's Quest. Retreats for the body, mind, and spirit. What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?


www.boobydoo.co.uk. Sports bras. Sports bra specialists; essential kit for all sporting girls, we are all the support a girl needs.
The Runner's Web, a running and triathlon resource site.
realrunner.com -- everything for the runner.
Women's Running. Some good information about exercise and menopause in the "concerns" section.

Sports Nutrition

Spinelli's Sports Nutrition Center


SwimInfo: The name says it all!
Swimming Dog Videos. Man's best friend is also a world-record marathon swimmer!
SwimSearch. An online Swimming directory.


The Charleston Triathlon Club. Fourteen years promoting the Sport of Triathlon.
3athlete. Triathlon news and information.


Appalachian Mountain Club. Chris and Leah hike the Appalachian Trail.

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